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Our Services

Homeschool Umbrella PSP

A1A offers independent study programs to K-12 student-athletes through our private school satellite program (PSP). Our families enjoy the maximum freedom that state laws allow. With secure private school enrollment, you can be sure that your family's personal information remains confidential. Paperwork is kept to a minimum. You are free to choose your own curriculum, teaching methods, and schedule. We provide additional support for an additional cost if and when you need it.

Annual tuition for non-Gap Year students in our Homeschool PSP is $330 for the first student in your family. Tuition for additional non-Gap Year students enrolled from the same family is only $30/year each.  

Gap Year Tuition is $450/per student per year.

The one-time New Student Enrollment Fee is $50 per student upon enrollment.

High School Students incur an additional $50 fee per year. 

We are registered as a private school in the states of Florida and California and accept students residing in many states coast to coast.

Reclass - Gap Year

The Gap Year is a second year of 8th grade for your student via independent homeschooling with us. We offer families support to make sure that their state's requirements for homeschooling are met, we coordinate the transfer process, maintain records, issue grade reports, and facilitate the transfer into the high school of your choice.


You may think of A1A  as your homeschool office and yourself as the homeschool teacher.


Tuition for our Gap Year Program is $450 plus the one-time enrollment fee of $50.

Online Curriculum

As private school students, you are free to choose your own curriculum, and the cost of your curriculum is not included in your tuition. However, to assist our families who prefer a full-curriculum option,  A1A offers three online curricula for our students: Accelerate Education, Edmentum Courseware (both secular) or Ignitia (Christian-themed published by Alpha Omega). 

All three are full-curricula, self-paced, online programs providing courses in all core subjects and electives. Each has an extensive course catalog to choose from. As a private school student, you may choose the grade levels and courses that you feel will best prepare you for academic success. Lessons are engaging and interactive, include both text and video instruction, and translation is available. Most lessons are automatically graded, and for those that are not, a teacher answer key is included. Our staff helps families with selecting and getting started in these online programs.

Accelerate, Edmentum, and Ignitia are completely asynchronous, so your student may study when and where your schedule allows.  Visit our Academics  page for more information about these offerings.

Accelerate, Edmentum and Ignitia are each available as ala carte options. $750/year

Academic Support and Consultations

A1A's goal is to provide families with independent study options at an affordable rate. Our program is designed to give parents the freedom and security of private school enrollment at a very low cost. For families that would like additional support, we offer additional services with ala carte fees.

For an additional cost, we provide online curriculum options,  academic support options, and personal consultations to help you along your path. We also provide transcript consolidation services for homeschooled students who would like to formalize their previous learning.

Our Academic Support Package is an optional program available to families who would like their students to have regular check-ins with an education facilitator (EF) who can help keep the student on track and focused on meeting their educational goals. The Academic Support Package includes up to one (optional) weekly meeting with the student, up to two (optional) meetings per year with the parent(s), help with choosing or changing classes, help resetting quizzes, and limited email support.  The Academic Support Package is available ala carte whether you use our online curriculum or your own. It is a nice way to have a third-party check-in with your student for progress updates, goal setting, and more.

When homeschooling, the parent is the official teacher of record and is in charge of creating and implementing each student's instructional program. As such, the parent will still play the major role of guiding lessons and answering student questions. Our educational facilitator (EF) will act as the student's support system, helping your student maintain adequate progress and providing a layer of accountability to the student as an incentive to continue on their academic path.

The Academic Support Package is offered at an additional $1500/academic year. Tutoring beyond the Academic Support Package is offered by private arrangement with our tutors.




Personal Consultations are provided to parents who would like assistance planning and implementing their homeschool or Gap Year programs. In a consultation, we may discuss the homeschool and Gap Year process in detail, help determine personalized learning goals and learning styles of each student, assist in creating a Course of Study by offering recommendations based on the student's needs and interests, and answer specific questions parents may have before, during, or after the homeschool/Gap year. 

Homeschool Consultations are available to anyone interested in learning more about the homeschooling process including methods, curricula, activities, and homeschool groups in your area. 

Consultations are offered at the rate of $95/hour or portion thereof, with the first hour paid in advance.


Transcript Consolidation services are available to students who have been independently homeschooled but now require an organized, professional transcript for college, career, or other purposes.

During the Transcript Consolidation process, we will work with you to organize your homeschool experiences into subject areas and determine the appropriate unit credit to be provided for each experience/course. The Transcript Consolidation process includes the issuance of a professional, official transcript and homeschool diploma. $250/year of courses consolidated on the transcript, with a maximum fee of $750. 


For high school students transferring to A1A or Talega Prep from another high school, a flat rate of $100 for each year of transfer courses consolidated onto our transcript will apply in addition to the high school tuition rate, with a maximum additional fee of $250.


Additional services available:

If you need anything else relating to your student's school experience, just ask. We are always happy to help you!

We can provide:

Letters of Recommendation

Official Transcripts & Progress Reports

Confirmation of Enrollment for athletics or other needs

and more...

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